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Babyfox Browser privacy policy

Last updated: 25 Apr 2024
Whether you are a new user of our products and/or services or an already existing user, we would advice you to take some time to familiarise with our policies in respect to privacy. For any questions or GDPR related requests, you can contact us at: [email protected]

In a nutshell:

  • You do not have to register, to use our products and/or services;
  • We do not ask for any personally identifiable information such as your e-mail address, unless you will be contacting our support team;
  • Your activities are not logged, unless you choose to voluntarily participate in our UX improvement program (for more details see below);
  • We do not record your IP address. Third party sites that you might be visiting using Babyfox Browser might do however even with the VPN feature enabled;
  • Our VPN servers do not store any logs
  • Some of our selected partners might log your actual IP details. Said selected partners apply same privacy and confidentiality provisions as ourselves;
  • We do not log URLs or any other information about websites that you might be visiting;
  • We do not have access to your cookies or saved passwords. These are encrypted and saved locally on to your device or to Apple iCloud Keychain service;
  • We do not have access to your downloaded files.

We have implemented a variety of procedures to protect your privacy when you are using our services, including but not limited to our products, websites, applications and/or other services.

However in order to enhance the experience, we may collect some information about you. This collection is only made for lawful purposes. We will never ask for any information that will personally identify you.

With this Privacy Policy we will try and explain what kind of information we collect, how this is processed and what we do to protect it. By using our software and/or services, you hereby agree to be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy.

1. Information collected by Babyfox Browser

None of your personal information is needed in order to download and use our software and/or services. When you download and/or use our software and/or website and/or services, we receive some standard information that web browsers typically make available such as: browser type, language preferences, referring site and date and time of each visitor request. This non-personal information is collected to give us a better understanding as to how you use our software and/or services. We might – from time to time – release some non-personal information for statistical purposes, such as compiling and publishing a report about our website usage trends.

Manually entered information: Some of your personal information is provided by you, when you want to access certain of our services. You will be informed beforehand on what you will be required to provide. The choice on whether to send personal information to us is up to you.

If you give get in touch with us for any reason, you will do so by e-mail or via in-app feedback form. During that process we will collect your name and e-mail address as well as the contents of the e-mail sent to us, so that we can review it and where needed reply.

From time to time we might launch some surveys. Should you choose to participate in one of our surveys, we will then collect some additional profile information about you.

In case you contact our support services, you might need to provide to us additional information such as your operating system and version and other information that we might request to enable us to solve any problems.

* It is however your choice on whether you will send personal information to us or not.

Automatically collected information: To make our services better for you, our servers (which might be hosted by a third party service provider) will collect some information from you such as your IP address, device information and location of your device. This information will be collected but will not be logged by us. Please note however that certain third party websites which you might access via our browser and even with the VPN feature enabled might log your actual IP. Please also note that some of our select partners might also log your actual IP details. We have ensured that these select partners apply the same privacy and confidentiality provisions as ourselves.

2. Information Protection

We are committed to protect and keep secure your personal information. To achieve this we use various industry-standard technologies, processes and procedures to protect your personal information from any unauthorized access, use, dissemination or disclosure. We have put in place strict processes and restrictions on who can access user data. Only a handful of people have clearance to access user data, and our safety measures are continuously updated. You should be aware however that no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is 100% secure. Therefore even though we take all reasonable precautions to protect your personal information, we cannot completely guarantee its absolute security.

3. Use of collected data

In general, personal data provided to us is used to respond to user feedback and/or requests or to help us improve customer service. Personal data may be used in the following ways:

  • To improve our Babyfox Browser Service Management;
  • To improve our Babyfox Browser Services Experience;
  • For editorial and feedback purposes;
  • To statistically analyze user preferences;
  • To improve content and assist in product development;
  • To send newsletters, surveys, special offers and any other promotional material related to our software and/or services and for other marketing purposes. The User can choose to receive our newsletter, containing news, articles and promotions, by filling out the email in a specific form on our website. The user may, at any time, stop receiving our communications by clicking on the unsubscribe link contained in the footer of the emails sent;
  • To publish your testimony on our website, we might collect your first name, in case you provide your first name for this purpose;
  • To provide your data to third parties if we are required to do so by law.

Furthermore, we would also like to keep you informed about any updates and developments to our services or for any special promotions, or ask you to participate in surveys.

* You can opt out of receiving updates or news about promotions or participating in surveys at any time.

We may also use the data we collect for statistical purposes and to generate special reports (for example, to detect any potential technical problems or monitor performance). Any analysis is carried out anonymously, so that the holders cannot be identified.

Service providers:: Your personal data (name, contact information, email address) may be shared with third parties - service providers who participate, directly or indirectly, in the development of Babyfox BROWSER's commercial activities, such as providing support, analysis data, provision and support of website functionalities and resources. Under the terms of your engagement, these service providers are not permitted to share or use your data for any purpose other than providing services to us. We clarify that the personal information collected is accessible only to those who need to know it to carry out relevant activities, respecting the purpose for which it was provided.

Some of the service providers mentioned above may be located abroad and, in this case, Babyfox BROWSER adopts additional safeguards to guarantee an adequate level of protection of personal data, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation.

Other situations in which disclosure may occur:

  • Upon court decision or request by government oversight bodies;
  • Data transferred to public bodies to comply with current legislation;
  • When we consider disclosure to be the appropriate course of action in connection with efforts to investigate or prevent illegal activities, suspected fraud, or other wrongdoing, as well as to protect and defend the rights, property or safety of our organization, our users, our employees or others and to comply with applicable law or cooperate with law enforcement agencies, or to enforce our terms and conditions or other agreements or policy.
  • In the event of a substantial business transaction, such as the sale of our business or portion thereof, a divestiture, merger, consolidation, reorganization or sale of assets, or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy, including to potential or actual purchasers in connection with any of these transactions.
  • We may publicly share collected but non-personally identifiable data (anonymized data) in order to show trends about the general use of our services.

As set out above, the legal basis on which we will rely to process your personal data will generally be one of the following:

  • Legitimate interest: when necessary for Babyfox's purposes or for the legitimate commercial interests of a third party;
  • Consent: in which case you have chosen to provide them. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time;
  • Contract performance: when necessary to perform a contract with you;
  • Legal or regulatory obligation: when processing is necessary to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations;
  • Regular exercise of rights: when necessary to exercise rights in a judicial, administrative or arbitration proceeding.

4. Application

This privacy policy applies to all software and/or services offered by us and our affiliates, but it excludes any software and/or services that have separate privacy policies different than ours.

This policy is not applicable to services offered by other companies and/or organizations and/or individuals, including products and/or sits that may be displayed through our browser or other sites linked from our services. This privacy policy does not cover information and/or practices of other companies who might be advertising our software and/or services, and who might use cookies or other technologies to offer services and relevant ads.

5. Changes to our privacy policy

We will be revising, updating and changing our privacy policy from time to time. Any time we do so, the revised and/or updated and/or changed privacy policy will be posted on our site. By agreeing to use and by continually agreeing to use our software and/or services you hereby agree to review our privacy policy from time to time and make yourself aware of any modifications. If at any point you do not agree to the terms of our privacy policy, then you should not be using our software and/or our services.

6. The UX improvement program

This is a program whereby we collect users’ behavioral data anonymously. This includes: which features a user uses and how often, how an application is used and similar.

Participation in the UX improvement program is voluntary. You can enable this option via the Settings menu.

7. Any questions?

Please drop us a line at: [email protected]